SDK tutorial

一. Login authentication

render_para = {
    "domain": "",
    "platform": "2",
    "access_id": "xxxx",
    "access_key": "xxxx",

api = RayvisionAPI(

RayvisionAPI Parameters:

Parameters Type Required Default Description
domain string Y China,Foreign
platform string Y 2 platform ID,example: W2:"2", W6/qingyun:"6", GPU Region 1:"21"
access_id string Y user authorization id
access_key string Y user authorization key

二. Analysis of the scene

Analysis is independent(Maya / Houdini / Clarisse)

Example for Houdini:

from rayvision_houdini.analyze_houdini import AnalyzeHoudini

analyze_info = {
    "cg_file": r"D:\files\CG FILE\flip_test_slice4.hip",
    "workspace": "c:/workspace",
    "software_version": "17.5.293",
    "project_name": "Project1",
    "plugin_config": {
        'renderman': '22.6'
analyze_obj = AnalyzeHoudini(**analyze_info)


  • “workspace” is used to control the location of the generated json file. If workspace is not set, the default location is generated:

    windows : os.environ["USERPROFILE"] + "renderfarm_sdk"  
    Linux:os.environ["HOME"] + “renderfarm_sdk”
  • Analytically generated task.json is no “task_id”、“user_id”、”project_id” parameters,Users can choose to write the three parameters themselves, or to write the three parameters automatically when check.

AnalyzeHoudini Parameters:

Parameters Type Required Default Description
cg_file string Y Scenario files to analyze
software_version string Y The version of the software
project_name string N None The project name
plugin_config dict N None The plug-in configuration,example {'renderman': '22.6'}
workspace string N None Analyze the location of the generated json file (avoiding duplication automatically adds a timestamp folder)

三. Add special fields and update the json file interface

Only updates and modifications to the parameters of task.json and upload.json files are supported.

1. Modify the task.json

update_task_info(update_info, task_path)

from rayvision_api.utils import update_task_info, append_to_task, append_to_upload
update_task = {
    "pre_frames": "100",  # Sets the priority to render the first frame
    "stop_after_test": "1"  # Stop rendering after rendering the priority frame
update_task_info(update_task, analyze_obj.task_json)

2. task.json add custom parameters

The added custom parameters will be integrated into dictionary for key is “additional_info”. 【Warning】:Custom parameters will not take effect immediately. If you have this requirement, please contact our customer service。

custom_info_to_task = {
    "env": "houdini_env"
append_to_task(custom_info_to_task, analyze_obj.task_json)

3. user custom upload.json

Support custom add file path to upload.json, will automatically deduplicate append_to_upload(files_paths, upload_path)

custom_info_to_upload = [
    r"D:\houdini\CG file\Cam003\",
append_to_upload(custom_info_to_upload, analyze_obj.upload_json)

四. Validate json file

When validating, we check whether there is’ user_id ‘, ‘project_id’, ‘task_id’ in task.json, If not, the interface is called to fetch the relevant parameters from the server and write task.json

check_obj = RayvisionCheck(api, analyze_obj)
task_id = check_obj.execute(analyze_obj.task_json, analyze_obj.upload_json)

五. Upload

Now there are two ways:

1.Upload the json file first and then upload the resource file according to “upload.json”:

Four json files are uploaded, and the transfer engine automatically starts uploading the scene, resource, and other files based on the upload.json file.

upload(self,task_id,task_json_path,tips_json_path,asset_json_path,upload_json_path, max_speed=None)

upload_obj = RayvisionUpload(api)
upload_obj.upload(str(task_id), *CONFIG_PATH)

2.Uploading json files is completely independent of the user resources:

Uploading resources:upload_asset(self, upload_json_path, max_speed=None, is_db=True)

Upload json file: upload_config(self, task_id, config_file_list, max_speed=None)

UPLOAD = RayvisionUpload(api)
UPLOAD.upload_asset(r"C:\workspace\work\upload.json", is_db=False)
UPLOAD.upload_config("5165465", CONFIG_PATH)

【Warning】:You need a task ID to upload a json file, but you don’t need a task ID to upload a resource file;The ‘is_db’ parameter in upload_asset is used to control whether or not a local database is needed. By default, a local database is used;

六. Submit Task


七. Download

Download now provides 3 ways:

1. Supports custom downloads of hierarchical directory structures under each rendering task.

download(self, task_id_list=None, max_speed=None, print_log=True, download_filename_format="true",local_path=None, server_path=None)

download = RayvisionDownload(api)"true", server_path="18164087_muti_layer_test/l_ayer2")

Warning:This method needs to provide the task ID if the “server_path” is not empty, and the task ID does not take effect if there is a custom “server_path”.

2. Realtime download, that is, the task rendering completed a frame began to download

auto_download(self, task_id_list=None, max_speed=None, print_log=False, sleep_time=10, download_filename_format="true", local_path=None)

download = RayvisionDownload(api)
download.auto_download([18164087], download_filename_format="false")

Warning:The method task ID cannot be empty

3. The task is not downloaded until all frames are rendered

auto_download_after_task_completed(self, task_id_list=None, max_speed=None, print_log=True, sleep_time=10, download_filename_format="true", local_path=None):

download = RayvisionDownload(api)
download.auto_download_after_task_completed([18164087], download_filename_format="false")

Warning: The method task ID cannot be empty

八. Attachment: transfer configuration file

1. Transport configuration Settings include:

Select database type, database file path Settings, transfer log path Settings

2. The transport configuration file used by default: db_config.ini, The following figure

The user can also modify the configuration for the template based on the default configuration and specify the database configuration file location, specifying a custom configuration file as follows.

from rayvision_sync.upload import RayvisionUpload

UPLOAD = RayvisionUpload(api, db_config_path=r"D:\test\upload\db_config.ini")

3. db_config.ini Parameters:

Parameters instructions Default
transfer_log_path Transfer engine log file path
on Whether to use a local database, true / false: Yes / No true
type Select database,currently only supports "redis" and "sqlite" sqlite
db_path The database file saves the path
host redis database host
port redis database port 6379
password redis database password
table_index Redis Repositories,cannot be empty
timeout Redis client connection timeout,unit ms 5000
temporary When using sqlite database, if the uploaded record data is deleted after the completion of the upload, the default "false" will not be deleted false

4. transfer_log_path and db_path The priority rule for values is as follows:

  • db_config.ini custom paths are preferred if they are set;

  • No custom path is as follows:


    • Use environment variables first ‘RAYVISION_LOG’

    • Second use:

      window: The environment variable “USERPROFILE”/<renderfarm_sdk>Linux: The environment variable “HOME” /<renderfarm_sdk>


    • Use environment variables first ‘RAYVISION_LOG’

    • Second use:

      window: The environment variable “USERPROFILE”/<renderfarm_sdk>Linux:The environment variable “HOME” /<renderfarm_sdk>

5. rayvision_houdini Analyze the generated db database location

The Houdini script saves some analysis commands and files in a sqlite database file during analysis
  • Use the custom custom path first, the custom path setting method is as follows:

    The ‘custom_db_path’ parameter is set when the “AnalyzeHoudini” analysis class is called

class AnalyzeHoudini(object):
    def __init__(self, cg_file, software_version, project_name=None,
                 plugin_config=None, render_software="Houdini",
                 local_os=None, workspace=None, custom_exe_path=None,
                 platform="2", custom_db_path=None):
  • The following rules are used if the custom path is not set:
  • Use environment variables first ‘RAYVISION_HOUDINI’

  • Second use:

    window: The environment variable “USERPROFILE”/<renderfarm_sdk>Linux:The environment variable “HOME” /<renderfarm_sdk>