Blender Profile documentation

We analyze the information needed in the scene and save it into multiple files such as task.json, asset.json, tips.json to further resolve and process.


Storage scenario analysis results, rendering settings, etc.


    "software_config": {
        "cg_name": "Blender",
        "cg_version": "2.81",
        "plugins": {}
    "scene_info_render": {
        "common": {
            "width": "1024",
            "scene_name": [
            "Output_path": "/tmp\\",
            "camera_name": "<bpy_struct, Object(\"Camera\")>",
            "height": "1024",
            "Render_Format": "OPEN_EXR",
            "frames": "1-1[1]"
    "task_info": {
        "os_name": "1",
        "pre_frames": "100",
        "distribute_render_node": "3",
        "time_out": "43200",
        "stop_after_test": "1",
        "frames_per_task": "1",
        "project_id": "14323",
        "tiles": "1",
        "user_id": "10013141",
        "enable_layered": "0",
        "is_layer_rendering": "1",
        "task_stop_time": "0",
        "task_id": "8368517",
        "job_stop_time": "259200",
        "input_project_path": "",
        "platform": "2",
        "input_cg_file": "D:/houdini/cg_file/PRAM RENDER 1.blend",
        "channel": "4",
        "cg_id": "2007",
        "ram": "64",
        "is_picture": "0",
        "render_layer_type": "0",
        "is_distribute_render": "0",
        "hardwareConfigId": "5",
        "project_name": "Project1",
        "tiles_type": "block"
    "scene_info": {
        "common": {
            "width": "1024",
            "scene_name": [
            "Output_path": "/tmp\\",
            "camera_name": "<bpy_struct, Object(\"Camera\")>",
            "height": "1024",
            "Render_Format": "OPEN_EXR",
            "frames": "1-1[1]"
    "additional_info": {}


parameter type Is it necessary description example
software_config object Y environment(cg software, version and plugins, etc.) refer to software_config
task_info object Y render settings(priority frames, render range, etc.) refer to task_info
scene_info object Y Scene analysis results (rendering nodes in the scene, output path, etc.) refer to scene_info
scene_info_render object N General with "Scene_info"


parameter type Is it necessary description example
cg_name string Y software name "CINEMA 4D"
cg_version string Y software version "2.81"
plugins object Y plugin{name: version} {}


parameter type Is it necessary description example
graphics_cards_num string Y 1: open single card rendering 2: open dual card rendering “2”
enable_layered string Y render layer mode,"0":off, "1":on "0"
cg_id string Y software id."2007": Blender "2007"
ram string Y ram: 64 / 128 "64"
os_name string Y Rendering machine operating system: "0":Linux; "1": Windows, C4D only support windows。 "1"
render_layer_type string Y render layer mode(only support maya):
is_distribute_render string N distributed render mode,"0":off, "1":on "0"
input_cg_file string Y input file path "D:/houdini/cg_file/PRAM RENDER 1.blend"
input_project_path string Y project path, could be empty
job_stop_time string Y Set the frame timeout time, will only affect the current frame, unit seconds "28800"
user_id string N user id
pre_frames string Y Priority rendering (priority frames are not recommended to customize multiple individual frames) "000: 1,3-4 [1]" means: Priority rendering first frame: No Priority rendering middle frame: No Priority rendering last frame: No Priority rendering custom frame: 1,3-4 [1]
platform string Y submit platform : "2": "www2", "3": "www3", "6": "www4", "21": "gpu", "2"
is_picture string Y "0: Effect Chart "1": Animation Chart "0"
channel string Y 1:Web local analysis (animation deduction); 2:web cloud analysis; 3:Rendering plugin submission; 4:API/SDK submission; 8:Animation plugin submission "4"
tiles_type string Y "block, strip" "block"
tiles string Y tile number, 1 for single node, greater than 1 for tiles rendering(multi-nodes) "1"
project_id string N project id "200953"
project_name string Y project name "Project1"
distribute_render_node string N nodes number for distributed rendering "3"
frames_per_task string Y frames per task "1"
stop_after_test string Y "1":pause after priority render, "2":continue after priority render (default "2") “2”
task_id string N task id “54508419”
task_stop_time string Y Large task timeout stops in unit seconds, "0" means unlimited "86400"
time_out string Y Overtime reminder time, unit: sec "43200"


parameter type description description example
common dict Y Loading platform normal parameters refer to scene_info.common


parameter type description description example
frames string Y render frames "1-1[1]"
Output_path string N output path "/tmp\\"
width string N width "1024"
height string N height "1024"
camera_name string N camera name ""
Render_Format string N Rendering output format "OPEN_EXR"
scene_name list N scene name ["Scene"]


Blender does not automatically generate Upload.json by analyzing, requiring users to build Upload.json upload resources themselves,

Custom UPLOAD.json can refer to rayvision_api.utils.Append_to_upload。


	"asset": [
			"local": "D:/houdini/cg_file/blender_test.blend",
			"server": "/D/houdini/cg_file/blender_test.blend"


parameter type description example
asset list Asset path information to be uploaded refer to asset


parameter type description example
local string local path of asset "D:/houdini/cg_file/blender_test.blend"
server string Relative path on the server side, generally consistent with local "/D/houdini/cg_file/blender_test.blend"

File to save errors, warnings
